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Strategies For ESL Students On How To Edit Your Written Papers

What is one of the hardest challenges that many English-as-a-Second-Language students face? Editing their papers. This task can be very difficult for many who are not yet fully fluent in the language. Many who have had to deal with this know how much time and effort it takes to edit one’s work and make sure everything that is written sounds good in both languages. However, some helpful tips could make this process easier for those willing to put in the time and effort.

One of the first things you might want to do is find out what makes for good English and good ESL. You can do this by looking at the language used in either your own or your teacher’s native language.

Common struggles

In your native language, you may find that some of the words used are not as common in everyday conversation, so those words do not sound quite right if they are heard in a different setting. It is crucial to find out what makes for good English since these words will need to sound good in your paper and help you express your ideas clearly without sounding awkward.

Another thing you would want to do is make sure that all of the keywords or paragraphs become an integral part of the paper. Just because this is your topic doesn’t mean that it should be all of what you are going to write about, and it does not mean that everything you write about this topic should be told in only one paragraph.

How to sound natural?

Since you need to write a paper, you must pay attention to both the grammar and format. Take note of what makes for good English and what makes for good ESL since these things will help you make your paper sound more natural. Focus on both because these are two very different parts of the language that contribute to how your thoughts are expressed.

Pay attention to all parts of your paper so that everything is said properly. Paying attention means that you carefully read what you have written before making any changes or additions. Do not rush through anything since you might make accidental mistakes or overlook something important.

The most complex part of editing

As mentioned above, one of the most complex parts of editing a paper is finding out what is good ESL and what is good English. You may often think that your native language does not influence the language you are trying to learn. Although this would be true if you are truly fluent in the ESL language, it may not be true when writing a paper in that same language. If you can learn what makes for good English and good ESL, you will make your paper sound more natural in the ESL language.

One last tip that would help with this process is to read as much English as possible before composing your paper. You may not think that reading any more English would make a difference, but reading more English will help you express yourself correctly if you have already learned the language well. If you still have trouble putting your ideas into words, then reading English will help you learn some new vocabulary words.


Although editing a paper is not as easy as it would be in your native language, it can also be very rewarding. You may think that you already know an ESL language well enough to put a lot of effort into this task. However, you may find that there is still a lot of work to do. If you take the time to make these changes, your paper will be easier to understand and express your ideas more clearly.

